The Parish Church of Saint Matthew Big Lamp ~ Newcastle
Whatever house you enter, first say, `Peace be to this house!'  and if a person of peace is there, your peace shall rest upon him.
Welcome to our website.   We bid you peace. Here,   you   will   find   some   details   of   our   parish   life.      However, there   is   no   substitute   to   being   with   us.      If   you   are   in   the   city,   we will offer you a warm welcome if you choose to join us.
Mass for the People of Ukraine The Mass on Saturday is usually offered for the People of Ukraine and Peace in Europe.  The latest Mass can be viewed on the streamed services page.
We       are       committed       to ensuring   that   our   church   is   a safe     place     for     vulnerable people.        For    details    press here .
For   the   Requiem   Mass   for the   late   Pieter   Foster,   press here .

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